

HTF’s goal has always been to honor Christ in everything we do - to be ever ready and willing to go wherever He leads.
Our mission is two-fold:

  • To encourage & equip our brothers and sisters abroad so that they may minister the gospel more effectively;

  • To energize & mobilize the local church to get personally involved in foreign missions.

HTF is a “bridge” that connects the local church to the mission field through:

  • Construction – By building churches, schools, and various structures, HTF is equipping brothers and sisters in Christ to minister the gospel more effectively in their own country.

  • Children/Youth – HTF has led hundreds of crusades, church services, school assemblies, and seminars, making an impact nationally and internationally for Him.

  • Sports Ministry – HTF has developed and supports 110 Christian sports teams in Cuba that are rapidly spreading the gospel throughout the island. These leaders form hundreds of youth teams to reach over 35,000 young people during summer games. Thousands come to Christ each year!